Monday, January 2, 2012

So here we are in 2012 and I have a manuscript to write. A few weeks ago, I nearly ran a stoplight as I was deep in thought about this story that I needed to tell. It occurred to me that I had better get it written down so I wouldn't forget anything, and so I could stop replaying it over and over in my head and run the risk of causing bodily harm to myself. In my trusty journal (yes, I still do pen and paper for some things), I started listing key plot points, inciting incident, climax, etc.. Now I'm in the middle of developing my characters. My protagonist I'm fairly pleased with at this point, my antagonist(s) need some work. They are not quite “evil" enough yet. I still need to get to know all my characters a bit better though before I'm comfortable plowing forward. I've also gone back and forth with which point-of-view I want to write in and I think I've settled on third person – limited. The story told through the eyes of my protagonist, without having to use her voice (first person). All this sounds so complicated, but it is moving me along and I'm really starting to get excited about my “B. I. C.” time. B.I.C.?? Butt in chair – just sit there and WRITE! Happy new year and happy writing....


  1. Excited for you! I was thinking about your antagonists not being "evil" enough...surely you can borrow from real life! I write blog posts in my mind in the car and by the time I get to the computer all the "good" stuff has evaporated! Old age is not for sissies!

  2. You know, I forget a lot when I get home too. I've started keeping my journal with me - doesn't do any good while driving though. My next thought was to voice dictate into my phone. LOL I don't think it a age thing - creativity hot when you last expect it and it very hard to capture sometimes.

  3. One of my favorite books about writing is Anne Lamott's Bird by Bird. She says if you sit there long enough (B.I.C.), something will happen. She also says to do things step by step, bird by bird. Can't wait to hear (read) more about this!

  4. I'm doing some plotting of my own at the moment *rubs hands together*

    The problem I have is the sort of story I'm interested in writing doesn't seem to have an antagonist other than the mc's own issues getting in the way of what they want. Sigh.
